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Thrifty Boutique

While we're on the topic of maternity and baby and toddler clothes, let's all take a look at Thrify Boutique. Not because they've included FashionMista in their 'must click' links, but because they are a nifty, thrifty boutique specializing in good deals and showing off cute stuff from my new obsession, indie designers.

Like, who knew that dad needed a diaper bag? There are a couple of Mistas out there that are going to need The Diaper Dude!

available on (cute site!)

And these...

And THESE delights from

Thrifty Boutique shows lots more than kid stuff...check 'em out!

PS: who's watching Martha Stewart's Apprentice show tonight??

This early evening's links point to:
Thrify Boutique
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education