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Amazon Stuff Saturday: iPod Speakers

Ok, so it's not Saturday, but I just thought about this weekly concept, and I wanted to try it out today. I'm going to post about products I love, and link you to them on Amazon, because after all, what if I hit something you really have been wanting for a long time, and you buy it, relieved at last to have finally knocked it off of your To-Do list, and I get a little commission from Amazon to help my cash flow for guiding you to a good product? So that's what I'm going to do. Amazon Stuff Saturday.

Today's feature is on the JBL On Stage Speakers for iPod. My stereo isn't hooked up yet because I haven't called to come and help me. Which means that for my Comfort Food Soul Party in November, I will have no soulful music! And why bother with a 6 CD changer that only works when it wants, and most of my songs are locked up in my iPod anyway? Let's not forget all those Saturday's I've spent cleaning the house plugged in - to my iPod - because I have no speakers to blast my very old school of Bonnie Raitt (first album)? So I'm getting the JBL On Stage Speakers for iPod:

because I've heard it in the homes of two of my friends, and they really are loud and good! An Amazon testimonial, though, tells us to get a new one, as there was something screwy with the last batch. So if you get it, just click to buy a new one.
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education