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Gerdy Loves Dog Bed

Yeah, so PS: Gerdy loves her dog bed, even though it's a little small. I'm working from home today, and she is curled up on it lik a tight little butterball-turkey. There's been major wind here, which is very loud in the apartment b/c we have windows on all three sides. Gerdy hates the sound, so she needs someplace cozy and safe. Dinah the Kitty tried bugging her, which worked, by stealing the dog bed. Bad Kitty!

In other news, I've been quiet on the Business Plan front. Well, I got a lot done last weekend. It really is a great exercise to pinpoint exactly who you (the company) is. I'm into developing the online shop part. I contacted a great web design team, but they are booked! Wimper. So I'm back to figuring out PHP for myself to build a great site, unless something better come along.

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education