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Holiday Cards and Slippers

Ahh, it feels so good to be out of my boots and into my slippers after yesterday's dashing from the plane (back from Cleveland) into a cab into work back to home to find Dinah the kitty ill attended by my super. The evening ended in a very yummy nutella crepe with strawberries and bananas, but Dinah was definitely attacking my every move, making sure I gave her ample attention after being gone for a week!

Now that I'm in my slippers, I'm home from a very long day at the office turned into unexpected mad dash to the production guy for checkbook covers and jewelry pouches (turns out they didn't have a sample checkbook cover when they really should have so I gave them my very own one to use as a sample) turned into office party after a Board meeting. I took home some extra Yellow Tail wine and am waiting for my laundry to dry while my feet relish in their furry slippers and I surf the net for a holiday card. Yay! I found one at Shutterfly:

Here's the picture:

Cute, right?

The big question this year was: To include David or not to include David. I mean, we're not married, so it would be a serious jinx to send out a card together, right? My cousin did it (love you Brooke!) and they ended in divorce a year later! I called David (who's out of town visiting his family) to confirm that he wouldn't be sad if he wasn't included on the card. He said he would be a little sad, and asked if I send him a card. We live together, by the way. So, in the end, I threw him in there, even though the card is pink.

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education