Memorial Day weekend with David was a great success. Before we left, I checked off many of the to do items on my unrealistic list, left Dinah with a new FashionMista toy (see below), and hit the road with a semi plan of where we were going. We visited his best high school friend's daughter's soccer game outside of Phili, and then drove through Phili, and to David's great pleasure, got lost in South Phili, which was not even on our map, and saw the row houses where Rocky trotted down the stairs off to the ring.
Like good little location scouts, we took many detours to check out the land before rolling into New Town, and then up Taylor road by the Taylor State park, a beautiful piece of country with lots of rolling horse farms and expanding corries. We pulled into New Hope, on the edge of Pennsylvania on the Delaware River, and by extension, Lambertville (like Lambert the Sheepish Lion), which was across a bridge at the edge of New Jersey. We were the exact opposite of any Lets Go travel book, and found that all bed and breakfasts were booked (never book a bed and breakfast in a small town on Memorial Day Weekend an hour before you'd like to check in). But we did find the Lambertville Inn and booked the second to last room, which had to be a suite (sweet!) with jacuzzi, soaps and a courtyard below. We spent the whole day shopping (me a little too long in Metro, the only store which sold Free People), had to leave A Mano Galleries before I did some damage on some gummy window decorations, and talked about me maybe opening a boutique of my own one day...
the mecca - the jacuzzi
the delaware river, connecting new hope and lambertville, and is close to (or actually) where washington crossed in 1772 (v. appropriate for memorial day weekend)
pretty canal in new hope
new hope/lambertville good for families
baby and mother turtles at base of bridge between new hope and lambertville
scary skeletal iron deer crossing the canal
possible boutique location in lambertiville
new fashionmista for dinah
We wrapped the day up with a Google investigation into why David's hand still has red dots and is slightly numb from that aweful jumping cholla bush from our AZ trip, and how he most likely has 'sabra dermatitis' from left over 'glochids' from the spikes of the cholla cactus.
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