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NYC Pups and Kitties Need You

I'm writing this post on the subway ride home from work because there is just not enough time in the day. I'm dimming the screen so that people next to me can't evesread (stop reading, mister!).

On Thursday, our free daily paper, AM New York, did a front page story on the van that the local animal group, the Mayor's Alliance, drives around the city to pick up stray animals and animals from the pound to deliver them to foster families. This van picks up any animal that needs a ride, including a sheep that was dropped in Sheeps Meadow in Central Park with its legs tied up just the other day.

This van runs on an allotted budget as an initiative for the Mayor's Alliance. The rising price of gas was not factored into this budget, so ...

(...wait...transferring the 7....long walk down the time square the C platform...onto the C...fight for a it!)

...the van initiative has to cut back how much it drives. This means that they would take fewer animals from the ACC (city pound) to foster families that have good temperaments and have better chances of getting adopted. The ACC takes in hundreds of thousands of stray animals including dogs, cats, iguanas, and bunnies, and euthanizes an animal after 3 days. The ACC has a 53% kill rate. The Mayor's Alliance tries to keep the stays from going there.

After reading, I was wishing I had a bunch of money I could just donate. Then in Friday's AM New York, the cover story was that the ASPCA donated $10,000! They're calling on others to match the donation by July 31st. I know many of you already donate to the ASPCA, or hang out with abused boxers rescued from fighting rings, but this is a little donation for an exact cause.

My subway stop is approaching. But remember, fix your pups and kittens. There's lots more cute ones in the pounds!

Click here to help save the van.

Cool other ways to donate to the Mayor's Alliance:

(I totally have old towells that I will donate)

(For the Humane Society)

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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education