Hope everyone is having good holidays! I'm finally getting a break the night before David, Gerdy and I head back to NYC as we're watching a James Bond marathon as rented from the library. I've hit most of my favorite Cleveland eating spots - Joey's Pizza, the American Tavern, Yours Truly, and tonight Village Square Pizza - so I pretty much can only sit here and blog!
I took a break from my computer - but I did cheat now that I have my free PDA from Nokia and Cingular...yippie! Yes folks, free. I was going to use Christmas money for a PDA now that I am a free agent aka contractless, so I researched the PDAs and learned that the sexy Trios have not-so-great sound, and I had no interest in a Blackberry for some reason, so I looked up Nokia and found its Nokia E62 had good reviews and a $50 special with Amazon, until I called Cingular to talk to someone about it, who told me that Nokia itself was offering the Nokia E62 for free with a 2-year contract!
Was that not the longest sentence? So I signed the 2-year contract and the PDA is mine...
But, onto Christmas, which was very eventful partially because it was David's first sleep-over Christmas, at which he was in high demand for paddle, golf, pictures, food and more food. David scored with a Christmas gift to my dad - a remote controlled Mosquito helicopter which was matched by a gift from my Nana - another remote controlled helicopter. So, without further adieu, here below my first animated .gif to illustrate the remoteness of the men in the family!
(that's my dad on the right flying the little white helicopter all around the room, which is pretty much all any male did who came over, and the helicopter did make it to my grandparent's to fly around their china dinner set)
Then, click here for the battle between the Evil Punching Snowman that showed up in our stockings as they battle the two helicopters in a "dogfight" looking quite like King Kong...it's our debut onto YouTube!
But onto more exciting things...stockings...my most favorite part of Christmas morning...
Santa found David and delivered a stocking with goodies in it, including a spaceship spin toothbrush and an Ohio State mug.
My brother and his stocking...
My sister at her annual stomping of my brother on Christmas morning with a newly added glass of Airborne to keep us all healthy...
And we finished it off with delicious bottles of Layer Cake, the velvety Shiraz grown from a century old French vine in Australia. We'll be hearing more about this yummy bottle, but in the meantime, you can ask your local wine store if they carry it. If you like a smooth red, you'll like a glass of this...
This was PRE-Christmas, but Oliver wanted to come and I had to include it...
I think that's all for now! I'm going to finish this night of Bond and get ready for the drive back to NYC...
Happy New Year!
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- Stress Relievers :: Sunkist and Bikini Waxing
- PS: My New Pink/Brown Desktop Wallpaper
- Heelys Roller Shoe- I Want!
- Silkscreened Christmas
- Brocade Clutch from my College Roommate!
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