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Shop for the Missing Bees

Shocking it is about these bees! I just read on a Christian website that maybe the culprit is cell phone waves. Which would make sense. Bees have antenna for a reason, don't they? And to think, I am contributing to their losing their way in all of these wireless waves by blogging about them! And then calling my mother about them on my cell phone!

In my guilt I went straight to to see what the designers in Etsy were whipping up, thinking I could Think Like Tink and send some BumbleBee love somewhere. So let's celebrate bees and help them find their way back home by seeing who's making cute bee things...

Cricket Press BumbleBee Ring - $20

bumblebee ring
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Talula's Shop - Bee Necklace in Colored Stones - $28

bee necklace stones
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Hochrot's Shop - BumbleBees Ruffled Leather Bag - CUTE! - $180

bumblebee leather bag purse
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education