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Gross-esed Butterball Turkey Story Ever.

Warning: this Butterball turkey story is gross. I only tell it becuase I am a blogger, and no one else has written about it yet, not even Butterball. Apparently we need to spread good food awareness. Basically, no one should eat anything from Butterball.

So I was talking to Space Style about our Thanksgivings, and she told me about her friend's Butterball turkey. The turkey finished cooking, and her dad took it out and cut into it. When he cut into it, it fell in half. And deflated. It did not have any turkey breasts. They had people over, so served the turkey.

The next day, the dad called Butterball to complain. Butterball asked if there were any bugs in the turkey. The dad said no. Butterball asked if everyone had eaten the turkey. They had. Butterball said that they knew of a problem with (sigh) maggots. They asked the dad if he could bring over the turkey so that they could autopsy it. Autopsy it.

So. No more Butterball for anyone. Anyone.

Our turkey came from Bob's Turkey Farm in Boston, and it was blessed and killed hours before we picked it up. It had a good life. The farm may have a virtual tour or something so that you can see the environment.
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education