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Liya Kebede and daughter Rahee in Cookie Magazine

I've read exactly one issue of Cookie Magazine. I bought it on a whim one day and quickly regretted it because I found the overall tone of it to be a wee bit too pretentious for my taste.

The only article I can recall was about the situation one posh mom encountered when she found that the other mothers in her child's playgroup were too low-class for her taste. The solution? Send your nanny instead! Between that and the ads for $1,200 strollers I felt a little embarrassed to have it on my coffee table and quickly threw it in the recycling bin.

That distaste aside, from the looks of this cover, I might have to don a trench coat and big sunglasses so that I can buy this issue next time I'm at the bookstore. I love Liya Kebede and these beach photographs with her daughter are too sweet to resist.
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education