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Fresh Hair Color

Fresh Hair Color, originally uploaded by KT Flicker.

As you know, I've been submerged in launching our new company, the new home for women entrepreneurs, Collective-E. And if you don't know about launching a website, they can take longer than expected. Especially when you are launching 3 other websites for clients at the
same time.

So, as if personal reputation wasn't enough, I declared that I would not cut or color my hair until the website launched. And let me tell you, that is hard. Every time I PMS, I crave getting my haircut. And I get strange urgings to jog, but I jog anyway, but these cravings are like, in the evening, I can't do anything else but run and feel my heart pounding.

Back to haircuts. So we've been on the verge of launching Collective-E for several weeks now, furiously emailing directions to each other while driving to respective holiday destinations. So come Xmas, I was in Columbus, OH, home of my husbands family, and destination of my Ohio hair cuttery, WTS, a salon run by two rock star men. My man, Glen, is also a bouncer, and an amazing hair stylist. So I couldn't resist sneaking away to him during one of four family Christmases.

Result? Blond on top, and Mocha #5 mixed with a little of #6 I think on the bottom. Doesn't it look like animal fur? He straight ironed it, and I haven't been able to get it quite that straight since.

But I share this with you now, because since I cheated, and cut and colored before the launch, I couldn't share it with you until the site has launched!!! Ans here is my refreshed haircut! Go visit and tell me if you think that it was
worth the wait...

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education