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Pregnant Beauty?

I honestly don't know how some pregnant woman do it. Do what? Look sassy, look healthy, happy and well groomed.

Before my pregnancy I was a vain pot and now I can't give a hoot about what I look like. Even my mom thinks I look kinda like a preggie slob.

I take offence of course but I know deep down in my heart that the nonchalant attitude towards looking presentable has to stop one day.

But in my and many other preggie women defense, I have to say that there are many contributing factors for the lack of care in the beauty department.

In the first trimester, the nausea, fatigue and sheer exhaustion totally knocked me out half the time. I didn't even want to go shopping, let alone look at my face. The growing child inside of me seemed to have a dominating personality and changed my taste drastically. In short I was acting and behaving like a hungry, sleepy and tired man. I didn't even like washing my face.

I was battling with constant nausea that seemed to get worse in a moving vehicle and could only be quelled with food for short peirods of time. I was not feeling sexy at all!

Moving on happily into the second trimester, nausea somewhat abated and a little of the old me seems to have crawled back into my veins. I have begun to enjoy watching beauty vids, read beauty blogs but I also seem to love watching comedies and funny shows, reading comics and manga and cook shows more than ever. I like car shows nowadays but I still hate washing my face. The sudden need for bed rest hasn't exactly inspired me to want to use any makeup too. Who in the world will look at me in bed and better still expect preggie unwell me to have ruby lips and gorgeous smokey eyes?????

Still, I'm thankful that gd nutrition in the fourth month kept my outbreaks at bay and reduced my worry abt a seriously slackening to almost non existent skin care routine.

Add a big dose of worry to this whole experience and it's the perfect recipe for looking like you just don't give a damn.

Pardon this rant but rant I must because I used to be one of those morons who thought that pregnant woman should and could look cute and amazing all the time except when giving birth:) i never once fathomed a truckload of worry, scares, real fatigue, serious weight gain, nausea and shortness of breath to accompany this amazing and almost surreal journey that is pregnancy.

Many a times in the past few months I contemplated the survival of this beauty blog with my lack of beauty inspiration when it struck me that not all woman go through what I go through and some even have it worse. women need to look good to feel good and lately I haven't been feeling great. Despite this, I refuse to stay bitter and grumpy and depressed and soon I will force myself to take out that eyeliner and draw myself a cateye and put on some lipgloss so that I can show the world just how proud I am to be carrying a little miracle inside of me. Physically I may be feeling really far from what I used to be but inside I'm still the same person ( with strange man-ish taste).

Now I know better than to judge a pregnant woman by her looks. If she still has the energy and is putting in the effort to look good during this special time, than I applaud her for doing so.

I've always blogged about what inspires me in my life and now I'm gravitating towards simple, quick and easy to do makeup. Maybe I might even do an article on gettin out of a slobbish rut soon !?! Hehehe

It's good to be blogging again and i'm looking to putting up some pics soon :) have. A great Wednesday sweeties!
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education