After winning admiration in New Delhi, OMEGA, the prestigious Swiss watch company, unveiled its latest collection - New Constellation – at a scintillating fashion soiree at Taj Mahal Palace, Colaba. Brand ambassadors Abhishek Bachchan and Sonali Bendre Behl graciously took centre stage to launch the sleek and strong new collection which reinforced Omega’s commitment towards luxury and finesse in India.
Infused with poise and attitude, the New OMEGA Constellation’s fashionable designs effortlessly fuse style and technology together. The new range prides itself with the supernova dial design and brings a new variant of style and sophistication into the Omega range. At the heart of the launch of the collection lies its promise of design superiority and exclusivity. In addition to traditional designs, the new range offers to consumers contemporary yet dressy watches. The women’s line introduces leather straps for the first time in the New Constellation range.
Announcing the launch of the new line, Mr. Jean-Claude Monachon, Vice-President Product Development, Omega said, “Creating a billion-dollar watch brand is not easy. The popularity of Omega has grown manifold during the last few years as we give best value for money. It has taken planning, positioning, technology and distribution for Omega to reach our current level.
“We hope to attract a whole new set of customers to buy luxury watches, thereby growing this segment. We are proud to be the only large watch company in the world to increase both volume sales and revenue by being a great innovator in materials of construction. While preserving the technical and aesthetic qualities, Omega New Constellation timepieces will from now on be fully integrated into the brand’s complete collection.”
Read More about Abhishek & Sonali unveil New Constellation @ Fibre2fashion