Blog Archive

I’m back + Update

Hi hi, I’m back!

Took a short breather to sort out some personal issues and what a week it’s been.

On the beauty front, I received a pretty parcel from my good pal Gerry ( yes again!) It’s pretty pretty pretty! LuvsSmile



Then, I received more lashes from kkcenterhk to review. I deliberately picked lashes that I normally wouldn’t reach for, to explore new looks.

IMG_0104 (2)

Following which, I actually WON a GIVEAWAY by Shop N' Chomp. If you know me and my totally crappy luck, you would know that I was shocked! Omg.

I won an inglot product!!! Yippie!!! Thanks LISA sweetie!


( Took this cute picture from Lisa’s Blog. Go check it out!)

Lastly, I managed to squeeze in subcision on my cheek at my dermatologist. Kinda felt that she didn’t quite prick the right spot. Sad smile  Also, she told me that my eyebrow scar is growing and it is basically an overactive sweat gland. She offered to remove it partially but that left me a little torn. A lot of people think it’s a big pimple or some growth but I have had it all my life so it doesn’t even strike me as odd and my dad likes to call it my pot of gold. Well, this pot of gold is growing and it looks so red and ugly a lot now. Sigh, I’ve grown so accustomed to this birthmark but I might get it partially removed in march – it keeps expanding for some reason….

Well, back to subcision - here is a scary subcision picture I took. The healing process sucks but subcision is the only process that can really resurface pit holes or pock marks or any non-superficial scarring ( scars that do not look any better when you stretch the skin).Anyhow, it looks scary but the results are worth it!


I know I said lastly but to top it all off, I accidentally washed my blue contacts down the sink! hahaha.. Shit happens and I’m moving on. I’m still happy cause I’ll be collecting some GEO lenses this Sunday_ Yippie!


The End. Thank goddness it’s Friday tomorrow! I want to go out with my boys!!!

Love. BlovetBeauty

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education