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Secret Rooftop Labor Day Grill-Out Party for Two

nyc rooftop grillHope you all had nice Labor Day weekends! David and I were like snails and hid in The City while everyone else went away. That meant that we could go to Death at a Funeral (v. funny) at Lincoln Center when the movie started and actually sit next to each other, semi in the middle of the movie theater instead of underneath the screen. Otherwise, we basically ate and watched movies. Last night, we watched 2 movies and a football game all at once - You, Me and Irene, Beautiful Girls, and some football game.

David drove around to do some errands, because parking wasn't so much of a problem, which meant that I could car-jack him and go to the grocery store! A luxury that I'm telling you, is a serious problem for me. I know there is Fresh Direct, but...I do miss walking around in the isles. That's where I get inspired to make anything! And buy fun things I don't need! So I got inspired to make gazpacho soup, and boy was it good. Still is good. I have an oasis of it in the fridge.

But the highlight, aside from picnicking in the Central Park with friends by a secret waterfall that only Dog Walkers know about, and wandering tourists who are lost, was sneaking onto the Penthouse patio right above our apartment. The Penthouse is empty, and unlocked, so we could creep in and set up camp for a little Labor Day Grill Out!

labor day picnic fixings
This was the picnic - cheeseburgers, sweet corn, Stouffer's Spinach Souffle (so good), and the fixings for my gazpacho soup there in the blender. Here's the recipe for it.

david eating rooftop picnic
David was the Grill Man. We forgot that the coals are modern coals and do heat up in 10 minutes, so the burgers were ready before I got up there. I had to lug all of plates, beers, cheese, olives, salsa that I made that was supposed to be guacamole, chips, Gerdy, etc.

hot coals on the grill
David requested that his picture of the coals be on the blog. Aren't they hot?

me eating a burger on the roof
Me eating my burger against the wall. Not very exciting, but David put me there.

new york city water towers at night
Night fell, and we had to wait for the coals to cool. It's always so nice up there on the roof. Gerdy really didn't like it, however, because she could tell that there was something mysteriously too far down on the other side of the patio wall. But this is one of the better views from our apartment in the projects (yes, we live across from some major projects), and I put it up for my NYC friend who just moved to Ecuador, because this is one of her favorite scenes as well.
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education