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StyleHive Shoe Face-Off with Widgets

Inspired by Danielle's little revenge on me for showing these Camper boots, and fueled by my white wine induced enthusiasm during a Patty Griffin concert last night in Central Park, I've created a new game for us to torture ourselves with our favorite shoes that we're not buying - yet.

Here's mine:

Here's how it will work:
1. We will go into StyleHive and create accounts (if you haven't already)
2. Drag the little 'bookmarklet' into our toolbars, and start hiving our favorite shoes.
3. We will tag them "mista shoe faves" to be sure we're widgetting just the shoes we want (b/c if you use "shoes" then you'll get all the shoes you tagged shoes...make sense?)
4. Then click on My Tools and grab the widget for them so that they can all display on this post. You'll email me the code for the widget (copy and paste it into the email), and I'll post it here with a link back to your blog/website if you've got one. I hope people will play! It's a nice way to unwind between computer projects...
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education